
Add to cart in WooCommerce with PHP or JavaScript

Often when building your WooCommerce store you run into having to add to cart in unfamiliar ways.

This may happen when you have a custom offer page, for example. Or you might just want to avoid having a regular, long, checkout funnel. Some stores just don’t need all the options a regular store does and, usually, the easier it is for customers to purchase, the better.

Add a product to cart programmatically using JavaScript

The JavaScript approach might be more common because it’s often connected to custom pop-ups, menu items and such. There are also plugins which allow you to add your custom callbacks when certain elements are clicked.

Here’s a straightforward approach extracted from the actual WooCommerce function:

See the gist on github.

You can add this to your theme’s footer for example ( just before the closing body tag </body> ) or include it in another JavaScript file which is already loaded. Alternatively you can use the Insert Headers and Footers plugin.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you include the code inside another function it won’t be globally accessible anymore.

The cool part of this is that if you have a properly-built theme the cart will also update without having to reload the page.

Things to note:

Making sure the function works

If you want to quickly test this function, after adding it to your site, just open the console and call it directly. I’ve set up a quick example site using WooCommerce’s default theme Storefront here: https://wcplayground.mircian.com/

To see the function in action, go to the link above, open the Developer console, write m_wc_add_to_cart( 42 ) and press Enter. You’ll notice that the top right cart in the header is immediately updated.

You’ll also be able to use this for variations, if you know the variation id. Try using the id 66 in the example above and check out the cart.

If the function doesn’t work in your setup, make sure the function is available globally. Also check if wc_add_to_cart_params is available, otherwise the function won’t do anything.

Add to cart programmatically using PHP

It’s easier to modify the cart on the PHP side. For most setups you’ll still need to call this from the frontend using an Ajax call or submitting a form.

A couple of concepts to keep in mind for this:

With that in mind, adding to the cart is just a matter of calling:

WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product_id, $quantity );

You can even leave out the quantity as it will default to 1.

Similar to the JavaScript code, the function is flexible and allows you to use a variation id directly. This means that if you know your variation id is 45, for example, you can call directly WC()->cart->add_to_cart( 45 ); and the right variation will be added.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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